
About Us

Welcome to Perfecting Destiny! We're glad you stopped by!

We're Brittani & James! We started this blog to share the exciting events that happen in our life and to share new or interesting things we find! 

Brittani: I'm currently in college. Getting a general studies degree since I cant decide what I'd like to do yet. I run more than one blog. I run this one with my fiance, my young adult book blog and my new personal blog. I'm a big fan of The Walking Dead (my fave is Daryl). I love the color Orange. I love huskies! I think they are absolutely adorable! Also a big fan of the University of Arizona Wildcats! Beardown! I love to bake! I love rock and country music! I also enjoy playing video games as well as watch my fiance play them (he doesnt think so but he's quite good at them). If you guys wanna know more about me just ask! 

James: He is also currently in college. He is interested in Marine Biology (though he also had an interest in Criminal Justice as well). His favorite show is Archer, though Brittani has made him a big fan of The Walking Dead as well! Loves the color Blue! He absolutely loves Sharks! He is also a big fan of Trains! He also loves learning about History. He also enjoys reading as does Brittani though we differ in what we like (though he doesnt mind some of the books Brittani reads). 

Us As A Couple: We met in a Criminal Justice class at our college. We pretty much fell in love with each other the moment we started talking. We are madly in love and we wouldnt have it any other way! We love many of the same things. We both love the Assassin's Creed games! We both are big fans of the New England Patriots (James just cuz and Brittani cuz she lived in Connecticut til she was 8). We both hate beans! We havent met other people who hate beans! Seriously! We were made for each other!

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